Want to know the easiest and the FASTEST way to weather wood?
With SeaPaint Secrets. Just layer them and give them a rub with our weathering sponge.
With SeaPaint Secrets. Just layer them and give them a rub with our weathering sponge.
With drying times being a mind blowing 90 seconds, you can weather anything wood in no time. You can also paint, stain, weather, glaze, or even “antique” wood in minutes with the same product. It's magic in a bottle basically.
It’s truly my miracle product, but out of all the magical capabilities of the SeaPaint Secrets, this is my favorite.
Layering the Secrets is a whole new beautiful crafty world. It yields many results, but because of its unique formula these variety of looks can be achieved in record time. The application process is simple, yet diverse. This diversity feels like magic dripping from your finger tips. It’s a creative freedom like you haven’t yet experienced.
The best part, is that even beginners can achieve professional faux finishes with zero painting experience. Now that is magic. Just look how simple the process is.
Step 1. Brush on First Coat. Let dry. ( 2 minutes)
Step 2. Brush on Second Coat of a DIFFERENT (lighter) shade of Secret.
Step 3. Once dry (2 minutes) rub painted surface lightly with weathering sponge.
It even creates a weathered finish on already sealed surfaces like the table below.
You can use the Secrets alone or layer them all. Their jaw dropping 90 second dry times enables layers upon layers to be created in time frames you never even thought possible.
My ultimate favorite layering technique is what I call the Waxless Wonder.
The Waxless Wonder achieved all of these looks below.

This method enables you to achieve the well worn look of dark wax or weathered wood, without using a drop of wax to do so, let alone attempting the mastery of dark waxing.
I put together more detailed instructions below or you see it in action our youtube channel.

Step 1. Shake your Secret
Step 2. Lightly dip your mermaid brush into the Secret color of your choice
Step 3.Once dry, brush on your second shade of Secret right over the first shade using long smooth strokes. Let dry.
Step 4. Using your weathering sponge, gently wipe across in long motions, blending the two shades together. For dustless distressing, use a damp cloth or a baby wipe. Let dry.
Step 5. Brush on your clear SeaGlass Topcoat of choice. Let dry for 5 minutes.
Step 6. None, you're done!
After enjoying the ease of this method, you may never dark wax again. I kissed dark wax good bye years ago. Hello lazy way of life, you are beautiful after all.
For more tips & trips follow Jess Sea on most social media platforms
I got to play with this yesterday and the versatility is amazing! I felt like a pro with the results I achieved.
This is truly amazing. It is so easy to use and the bendable is fabulous. You are missing out if you don’t order some sea glaze and try it. You can’t screw it up trust me.
Update….I finally received my first order of paints and I’m so excited….they are just sample sizes but they are beautiful colors…can’t wait to start using them tomorrow.
Is blending paper like sand paper? I’m not sure I understand how you blend something that is dry. Can you explain your process please. Very curious. Thanks so much.
Great tutorial. ..I’m learning so much….I so want some paint. .
But hubby said in a little while…while I was disappointed I have to remember he got me a heat press for Christmas. …we are retired and on a tight budget…but after my vinyl gets paid off I should be able to buy some….thanks again