Glazing is an old school paint technique that has been around for ages.
It creates an aged finish in minutes.
Glazing requires a thin, transparent layer on a painted surface which modifies the appearance of the underlining paint color.
While glazing is an extremely old school painting technique, the Secrets however are like no other product on the market today. It's versatility simply can't be beat.
The Secrets give you the look you crave, without the wait. Unlike traditional glazes, the Secrets dry rapidly while still remaining workable even when dry. It's almost like having DIY super powers. SeaPaint is reactivated by water. This beautiful little magic trick enables possibilities that you never thought possible. Blend and layer with ease. The Secrets make staining a breeze.
To begin you will need the following:

Secret shade- for glazing
Step 1) Shake your paint. Brush on SeaPaint shade with the SeaCult Brush.
Let dry 5 minutes.
Step 2) In a small bowl mix 1 tsp of Secret and 1 tsp of water. Dip SeaCult Brush in to mixture and lightly brush across painted surfaces. (For more workability, brush on a layer of SeaGlass in between these steps)
Step 3. Once dry (1 minute) take a slightly damp cloth and run it over the surface blending until the desired look is achieved.
Step 4.) Once dry, brush on SeaGlass Topcoat to protect your finish. Dries in 5 minutes.

HI. I live locally and would like to pick up – is that possible? Do you sell locally?
Hello,I have been introduced by my friend to your beautiful paint colors.
I would like to get a catalog.
Can you please let me know if you have this option available.
Very informative. …I wouldn’t have known to use polyseal between paint and glaze step…..thanks so much for your blog.